

 Art Hur Hair is a company that was founded 10 years ago. Our main focus on bridal hair and wigs. over the years our goal has been to put a smile on each and every one of our clients faces because we understand the importance of beautiful hair. Your tresses are most often the first thing the world sees when you step into it. Our wigs are a great solution for individuals of all ethnic backgrounds with hair loss, transitioning between hair textures or you just simply want to spice up your wig wardrobe. Another important need for a wig or hair hair system is for your wedding, maybe there is a look you want to achieve, your hair alone may not be thick or long enough, and a wig or hair pieces is just the system to get the job done. Here we believe in originality and comfort because there is no comfort in trying to be something or somebody other than yourself. Our goal is to enhance your best self through your crown none other identified as your hair. Art Hur Hair takes pride in crafting beautiful bridal looks as that is one of our many fortes. This company has been an on and going duty for years nationally and internationally to achieve that. Each year we get better and better by perfecting the craft and sourcing the best products to make sure your hair ties in beautifully with your look.